Health Innovation

The Hidden Cost of Managing Prospective Patients

By Ram Krishnan – Coordinating new patient inquiries is a top priority for both solo practitioners and managers of multi-provider behavioral health clinics. Prospective patient management may seem routine but it can be cost-prohibitive, if not handled correctly.

Unclogging the Pipes of Your GI Practice

By Russ Arjal MD AGAF – Physicians in every specialty worry about making diagnostic errors. As a Gastroenterologist, I can relate to the pressure we put on ourselves to avoid mistakes that negatively impact a patient’s health.

Reshaping Healthcare Delivery — 3 Factors That Impact the Future

By Anne Dabrow Woods – In the not-too-distant past, patients primarily received care at a brick-and-mortar provider’s office for their primary healthcare needs, for sick or prevention visits or chronic condition management. But a number of economic and societal factors have caused a real revolution in where patients receive care.

7 Ways EHR Systems Offer Value to Mental Health Providers

By Alena Nikuliak – The challenges healthcare providers face in managing patient mental health are multitude. The mental health situation in America continues to trend in a concerning direction. 20% of Americans reported suffering from a mental illness in 2019 and 2020, making for roughly 50 million patients.