Health Innovation

HIPAA Compliance Audits Prioritized in 2017 Fiscal Budget

By Bob Grant – The Obama administration submitted its budget proposal for fiscal-year 2017. The OCR Budget in Brief details the increased budget–$1.15 trillion of which is allotted for HHS. $43 million of these funds will go to the Office for Civil Rights, and $82 million will go to the ONC.

ONC Publishes New Reports on Health IT Safety

By Andrew Gettinger MD – Safety is and always has been a top priority at ONC. We have incorporated safety into the ONC Health IT Certification Program and our guiding documents, the Federal Health IT Strategic Plan: 2015 – 2020 and Shared Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap.

Why I Disagree with the Snake Oil Analogy

By John Halamka MD – Earlier this week, the American Medical Association CEO called digital healthcare products modern-day “snake oil”. As a provider and a technologist, I think we need a deeper dive to understand the issues, avoiding the kind of hyperbole that’s so common in politics today.