Health Innovation

Pilot Testing Patient Reporting of Safety Events from the Patient and Family Perspective

By Jeff Brady MD, MPH – To make health care safer, we have to know when harm happens. If information about a patient safety event is incomplete or doesn’t exist, providers can’t make the necessary changes to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Clinicians are an important source of reports about harm that occurs in health care—or safety events—when they happen. But that’s just one perspective.

Did You See these Lists?

Who doesn’t like a good list? Whether you are on it, know someone on it, or aspire to be on it, you always want to read the list. Here are some interesting lists I think deserve sharing. They include the Most Powerful Women in Healthcare IT, experts in patient safety, Boston’s 40 Under 40 Healthcare Innovators, and activating patient engagement.

A Multi-Stakeholder Discussion in Washington

By John Halamka MD – On May 19th, I spent the day in Washington with a group of government, provider, and developer stakeholders convened by the IHI. We operated under Chatham House Rules, so I can summarize the discussion but not identify any of the participants or their specific statements. Here are three questions we discussed and the observations we made.

HIE Rundown 5-27-16

Here’s what’s happening to make that reality – ZeOmega and McKesson announce strategic partnership to advance payer-provider collaboration; Military Health System improving, expanding information sharing; HIMSS Health Information Exchange community opens the HIE Measures & Enterprise survey

CMS Approves Alpha II as a 2016 PQRS Registry

Alpha II, LLC, a leading developer of software platforms, software as a service and publications that support the healthcare revenue cycle, announced that it has been qualified by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services as a Physician Quality Reporting System Registry for the 2016 PQRS program year.