Health Innovation

CDS Moves Compliance from Dismal to Dismal

By William Hyman – One use of a Clinical Decision Support system (CDS) is to remind doctors of what the “established” standardized methodology is. One key issue here is established by whom? Another is, depending on complexity, why the clinical staff doesn’t follow the established procedure whether or not it is supported by a CDS.

$2.2 Million OCR Settlement for Egregious Disclosure of PHI

By Bob Grant – The HHS Office for Civil Rights announced that NY Presbyterian Hospital would be required to pay a $2.2M settlement after the “egregious disclosure” of two patients’ protected health information. NYP allowed an ABC film crew and staff from the show “NY Med” to film two patients, one of whom was dying, and another experiencing serious distress.

How Can Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Help Patient Engagement?

By Robert Rowley MD – A recent article by The Commonwealth Fund raises the question of being able to use smartphone apps to get real-time, accurate and personalized guidance for health concerns. While one can envision the convenience, affordability and peace of mind that would result from their use, such services face a number of hurdles before they become reality.

Regional Extension Centers Closing

The HITECH Act awarded grants for HIT Regional Extension Centers and a national HIT Research Center. A total of 62 awards were granted. As the goals and the programs have been achieved, many of the centers are changing directions or closing all together. Here is news on centers that are closing.

Mobile Health Apps: Much to Consider

By Matt Fisher – Mobile apps are a topic of frequent discussion in the healthcare field these days. Questions include what regulatory requirements apply, are the apps trustworthy, is information kept safe and secure, and others. The question of what regulations apply in particular leaves many confused and uncertain as to what needs to be done.