Health Innovation

How to Innovate without Losing Control

By Mike Sutter – As the chief innovation officer of Carle Foundation Hospital, my primary responsibility is to find the best cutting-edge technology to help alleviate our physicians’ biggest pain points. This can seem like a daunting task considering the sheer quantity of technologies being produced by innovative vendors to improve the healthcare industry.

CDS Legislative Update

By William Hyman – In May 2015 I commented here on the then pending legislation in the House to limit the FDA with respect to the regulation of Clinical Decision Support systems (CDS). At that time there was related draft legislation in the Senate. The House subsequently passed a version of its CURES Act in July 2015 which included the Health Software section that limited FDA’s oversight.

Renewed Focus on HIPAA Privacy

By Matt Fisher – The HIPAA Privacy Rule is an aspect of HIPAA that does not necessarily receive much attention. Most of the recent settlements and breach actions related to violations of the HIPAA Security Rule. The Security Rule offers more glamour from the press perspective because cybersecurity, hacking and other activities attract headlines.

Report to Congress on Health IT Progress

By Karen B. DeSalvo & Matthew Swain – The Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) issued its annual report to Congress on health IT progress. Developing this report provided us with an opportunity to reflect on our collective health IT journey and the significance of the past year for HHS and our federal and private partners.

Team Approach to Patient Care Between Visits

By John Smithwick – In the past few years, knowing what happens to patients between visits or after acute episodes hasn’t been a priority for provider organizations. As more and more reimbursements are tied to quality measures and outcomes, organizations are finding it vital to know the health status of their populations so they can spot problems earlier and intervene sooner to prevent the need for costly procedures.