Health Innovation

HIE Rundown 3-14-16

This week’s HIE rundown includes: ONC launches the Interoperability Proving Ground (IPG), Caradigm announced the launch of Open Exchange, and DataMotion Health announces new platform capabilities for sharing info & communicating.

The Real HIPAA

By Lucia Savage & Aja Brooks – Welcome to the fourth and final blog post in our series on how HIPAA supports interoperability. In the previous installments, we provided practical examples and illustrations that show how Health Care Operations Permitted Uses and Disclosures apply to covered entities.

How Millennials Are Impacting Healthcare IT

By Kerri Knippenberg – Millennials between the ages of 18 and 24 have been changing the norms as consumers. Nearly all business sectors have been affected by millennials because they are not sticking to traditional consumer trends. Below I highlighted 5 ways in which millennials are changing the world of healthcare:

The Pillars of the BIDMC IT Strategic Plan

By John Halamka MD – Communicating the IT strategic plan is one of the primary responsibilities of a CIO. Most importantly, the IT strategic plan should be seen as an enterprise wide activity and not just an IT centric exercise. IT should be an enabler for the strategy of the business and every IT tactic should tie back to a high priority of the business.