Health Innovation

2015 Day 2: Two Twitter Doves

Day 2 – On day two of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts we turn to Twitter. What would our year have looked like without Twitter? Our version of an alternate ending to It’s a Wonderful Life?

2015 In Review

By John Halamka MD – It’s now December and as each year ends, I always look back on the challenges and achievements of the past 12 months. Here’s my sense of 2015.

How Do We Achieve Coordinated Health Care?

By Robert Rowley MD – A recent study of healthcare organizations showed that most are not prepared to deliver standardized longitudinal care across multiple provider systems. Shared care plans will be the centerpiece of coordinated care delivery, incentivized by the move from fee-for-service to value-based care.

AHRQ Touts EHRs, But is There Any Data?

By William A. Hyman – A recent press release and report from AHRQ asserts that 87,000 lives and nearly $20 billion in costs have been saved as a result of safety improvements. This reduction in hospital-aquired conditions (HAC) is said to be “thanks in part to provisions of the Affordable Care Act”, and Medicare incentives.

HIE Rundown 12-09-15

This week’s HIE rundown includes: Validic and higi partner to advance remote patient monitoring and patient wellness initiatives, Carequality adds new members to public-private collaborative, & Stanford Children’s Health and other healthcare leaders turn to next-generation medical image management platform from DICOM Grid.