Health Innovation

The Unfulfilled Expectations of the EHR and Clinical Communications

By Terry Edwards – Since the era of meaningful use began more than five years ago, healthcare providers have made great strides in implementing electronic health records (EHRs) within their facilities. The EHR market is now in the billions of dollars annually in the U.S. alone, and estimates that $22.5 billion in incentives will be paid to providers for adoption of EHR technology between the years of 2011-2022.

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The Future of Healthcare

What will healthcare look like in the future? There are a lot of people and a lot of ideas on the subject but it seems to be clear we are in for a big change. Here are a few interesting views.

AHRQ on Alert Fatigue

By William Hyman – Alert fatigue as it is now described arises from the excessive or otherwise ineffectual presentations of advisories while using an EHR. Alert fatigue parallels another common problem which is audible alarm fatigue from medical devices. In both of these more is not necessarily better, and might be worse.

Security By Walking Around

By Mike Semel – When we think Cyber-Security we logically think about technology tools to block North Korean or Chinese hackers from breaking into our networks. Those breaches make the news because they are so unique. What is much more common are users doing stupid things that neutralize your investment in security tools.