Health Innovation

Accessing and Managing Multiple Provider Portals

By Lisa Laravie – In the months following my hospitalization, I walked away with paperwork and access codes to five different patient portal sites, including my PCP, surgeon, the initial hospital where I received emergency treatment, the hospital where I had surgery, and in addition (not related to my injury) my OB/Gyn, and recently, my dentist!

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After the Anthem Breach

By Andrew Hicks – Since the Anthem breach was made public earlier this year, there has been a host of commentary on everything from the need for more data encryption measures to the need for more accountability at the C-level of most health care organizations.

RIP Your HIPAA Rights Aren’t Buried With You

By Mike Semel – Just because you die your medical information isn’t free for the taking. The HITECH Act of 2009 says that your HIPAA privacy rights continue for 50 years past your death, providing safeguards but also questions, confusion, and frustration.

The Myth of Too Many Clicks

By Bennett Lauber – We have seen a number of recent blog posts and tweets complaining about EHRs having ‘too many clicks.’ A number of people have proclaimed that reducing the number of clicks in an EHR as a method to improve EHR Usability.

Keys to Controlling Healthcare Delivery Costs in 2015

By Steve Fanning – Between diminishing reimbursements and the transition to value-based care, healthcare providers face ever-increasing pressure to reduce healthcare delivery costs. In this environment it’s become critical that operations be managed more efficiently in order to protect margins, on top of adhering to their mission of delivering quality care that supports optimal health outcomes.