Health Innovation

Making Time for Innovation

By John Halamka, MD – CIOs are at a challenging crossroads in their careers. Regulatory burdens, security threats, and changing reimbursement models have led to a demand for change that seems overwhelming. As workflow pressures increase, it’s easy to declare IT the rate limiting step. Given that many CIOs are ready to raise the white flag of defeat in desperation, finding time for innovation amidst the swirl of must do projects can be a challenge.

Millennials and Health Technology

By Kelley Sullivan – The Facebook generation, the glued to their phone generation, the “ME ME ME” generation – the millennials. Millennials have certainly received their fair share of criticism – just check out 2014’s Time article for an example! But are they the answer to bringing health technology to the forefront?

Verification and Validation

By William Hyman – There has been much discussion about EHRs not meeting user’s needs. This often involves complaints of cumbersome data entry and/or data extraction, even within a single product and before ever getting to information exchange.

Training: A Necessary and Essential Part of HIPAA Compliance

By Matt Fisher – The increased focus on HIPAA compliance and anticipated second round of audits makes clear the necessity for an organization to develop and implement comprehensive policies and procedures. The many settlement and breach announcements demonstrate that many issues occur because individuals do not fully understand what HIPAA is or what it does. A lack of knowledge, however, can be combatted though with good training