Health Innovation

Exploring the Future of Healthcare IT

By Dan Matthews – Imagine a world in which healthcare is personalized to you based on your unique data and circumstances. Now imagine that the world can be brought into your own home to offer you the kind of healthcare treatments you need, all with the added benefit of artificial intelligence analysis and diagnostic tools.

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Healthcare is Personal: Your Healthcare Benefits Should Be Too.

By Ronnie Brown – Healthcare is leading the way for big innovation in 2021, grounded in artificial intelligence and driven by acceleration and adoption across all sectors of the industry – clinical, pharma, biotech, research, health plan benefits. Technology is changing the way healthcare is received and delivered.

Don’t Wait: Electronic Prior Authorization Can Relieve Burden Today

By Richard Cohan – Since the 1960s, medical prior authorizations have established a system of checks and balances that help control the costs of medication, services, and procedures. While much has changed since those days, many challenges—such as cumbersome manual processes for payers and providers and delays in care for patients—have remained the same.

Tips to Improving Data Visualization in Healthcare

By Catherine Richards PhD MPH – Data visualization in healthcare has been a topic of conversation for years, however, the industry’s interest and investments in that arena are growing as of late. The global data visualization market is projected to grow 11.6% by 2026 and reach over $10 billion…

RPM: Expanding Opportunities

By Matt Fisher – Remote patient monitoring is a form of telehealth receiving increasing attention and focus as a means of improving overall patient health and engagement. As a starting point though, what is remote patient monitoring?

Solving The Resiliency Puzzle

By Pamela J. Gallagher – For organizations and their leaders, the past year has been one of upheaval, intense challenges, and new opportunities. The word resilience has been on the tip of every leader’s tongue and the subject of many articles.

Dave’s Dispatch: Healthcare Hypocrisy

By David W. Johnson – This month’s song is our riff on Joe South’s 1969 megahit “Games People Play.” It’s a song about posturing, bravado and hypocrisy. It describes people who are “Never saying what they mean now. Or meaning what they say.” Our version emphasizes the need for healthcare companies to stop playing games and offer American fair, transparent and high-value healthcare services.