HIPAA Breaches Continue to Mount
HHS Reports 21M Affected by Health Data Breaches Since 2009 Another week, another data breach reported. Beth Israel Deaconess, Hartford Hospital and Stanford Hospital have…
Read MoreHHS Reports 21M Affected by Health Data Breaches Since 2009 Another week, another data breach reported. Beth Israel Deaconess, Hartford Hospital and Stanford Hospital have…
Read MoreRundown of Upcoming Events Checking in on our Marketplace Event Calendar for September we find some fall conferences and events you might be interested in….
ONC’s Office of Consumer eHealth Releases “Health IT For You” Video Yesterday the ONC released a new, animated video to help explain how widespread EHR…
The Three Legs of Health IT Robert Rowley, MD, Healthcare and health IT consultant, practicing family physician Health Information Technology (health IT) has been a…
NeHC Surveys HIE Learning Network on Consumer Engagement Strategies The National eHealth Collaborative (NeHC) is a public-private partnership that enables secure and interoperable nationwide health information…
2012 Most Wired Hospital Survey Released The American Hospital Association (AHA) conducts a survey each year in cooperation with McKesson Corporation, the College of Healthcare…
AHRQ Funds Projects for Health IT The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is an agency under the Department of Health & Human Services…
New Tool Helps Health IT Job Seekers The American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) serves more than 64,000 members and is a recognized leader in…
Top 3 Issues Facing Patient Privacy Rick Kam, President and co-founder ID Experts You have greater privacy rights regarding the size of a shirt you…