Health Innovation

Updates On Additive Manufacturing In Healthcare

By Michelle Carter – Somewhat subtly, additive manufacturing has become a significant topic of conversation in healthcare in recent years. It’s the sort of thing one might not notice without looking for it specifically, but the truth is that in many ways…

EHR Usability: It is NOT A Training Issue

By Bennett Lauber – Many, many times in our usability evaluation and design career when a development team isn’t really interested in making enhancements to fix specific issues that we’ve identified, we’ve heard something like the phrase…

Predictions for 2020

Happy New Year! What are the insiders in the healthcare and health IT industry saying what 2020 will look like? Technology, security, the cloud, and interoperability are on the top of many lists.

What is Human-centered Design?

By Bennett Lauber – Look, and feel the chair that you are sitting in right now. If you are sitting in a modern office chair it probably has adjustable arms, the height of the chair can be adjusted to match your height.