Stopping Referral Leakage with Telemedicine
By Joel Barthelemy – Sooner or later, ROI comes up in every telemedicine conversation. Some providers have begun to realize that virtual health can drive revenue and reimbursement.
Read MoreBy Joel Barthelemy – Sooner or later, ROI comes up in every telemedicine conversation. Some providers have begun to realize that virtual health can drive revenue and reimbursement.
Read MoreKeeping up with technologies that are changing how healthcare is delivered. Can a continuously growing chain of blocks using cryptography have applications in healthcare?
By Art Gross – Every day in my newsfeed I’m alerted to yet another compromise to patient information. The headline isn’t always the attention-grabbing ones that we see when major credit companies or big-box retailers are exposed.
New Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist Episode NOW on Demand with host Dr. Nick and guest Maria Panagioti, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer at The University of Manchester who works in the Greater Manchester Patient Safety Translational Research Center.
By Joel Barthelemy – Malcolm X said, “Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.” It’s sage advice that many clinicians might agree with. After all, a patient’s behaviors and choices today influence their well-being in the future.
By Sonia Singh – Create a consumer-grade digital experience for your patients — something that rivals the ease-of-use of Airbnb or Lyft — or risk being lapped in a race you can’t afford to lose.
By Chris Bowen – While the Capital One data breach was not targeted at the healthcare industry, characteristics of the attack have sadly become commonplace in health systems throughout the world.
By Matt Fisher – Questions around the state of privacy for healthcare and other information are being left unanswered in many regards. Many services and tools fall outside the “traditional” healthcare realm, which means HIPAA and state-level legal protections focused on…
By Roland Therriault – What will it take for unhappy physician or physician groups to find the right match? The answer, it seems, goes beyond “great technology.” Many doctors are actually on their third — or even their fourth — EHR, and they’re still not happy.