Health Innovation

Day 6: Six Geese a Laying

Day 6: At the Movies – Time again for my annual look back at healthcare through the movies. 2018 was a year dominated by superheroes and anti-heroes. And I mean dominated. This one is for all the movie-loving, wine drinking, popcorn eating readers out there. Happy Holidays!

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Day 5: Golden Rings

On Day 5 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts we focus on our very own Answers Media Network, a series of topic-driven websites and multi-media channels dedicated to covering current issues and Federal initiatives driving change in healthcare delivery.

Day 3: French Hens

It is day three of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts and we say Merci! to groups of three! Thank you to all our contributors and read the most read post of the year.

Day 2: Two Twitter Doves

On day two of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts we consider the relationships we’ve built, news we’ve shared, insights we’ve provided and all that we’ve learned by engaging with experts and industry thought leaders throughout the Twitterverse.

ROI in Healthcare

By William Hyman – The usual meaning of Return on Investment (ROI) in purely financial transactions is how much money do you get back for the amount of money you put in. It is usually desirable for the amount returned to exceed the amount invested, thus achieving a positive ROI.