Health Innovation

FDA and Digital Health Regulation

By David Harlow – The FDA had a digital health banner day on December 7, announcing one final guidance and two draft guidance documents (with a 60-day comment period). Collectively, these guidances cover a range of digital health issues.

Annual Reflections at the End of 2017

By William Hersh MD – As longtime readers of this blog know, I always end each year with an annual reflection on the year past. I did this in the first year of the blog of 2009, and have done it every year since.

2018 Predictions in Healthcare

The New Year is a time to look back and reflect on the previous year and take into account all that has changed in healthcare and technology in the last 365 days. Wondering what 2018 has in store? Take a look at some of these predictions made by a various companies, analysts and research firms.