Health Innovation

Fun With Patient Notifications

By William Hyman – Now I’m being a patient. I visit my provider at a major medical center. I subsequently get a text message advising me to check my patient portal for updated information with a link that didn’t work. The portal is an AllScripts product which is also the EMR being used by my provider.

7 Tips for Secure BYOD in Healthcare

By Win Reis – If endpoint security – especially for smartphones – wasn’t a top-of-mind issue for healthcare IT leaders before, it certainly is now. I’ve spoken with numerous customers who struggle with it and are asking for guidance.

MIPS: The Day of Reckoning

By Jim Tate – One of my favorite books is The Big Short by Michael Lewis. It was eventually made into a movie by the same name and gives a clear view of the housing bubble that burst 10 years ago and pushed the US economy into the Great Recession. What fascinates me was the ability of some to predict, and profit, from knowing when the collapse would occur.

Tips for Securing ePHI on Mobile Devices

By Art Gross – While mobile devices play a major role in how we stay connected to the world in our personal lives, they are also becoming increasingly popular in our work environments. Not only are mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops convenient in the workplace, but they can also help increase productivity.

Artificial Intelligence vs Artificial Memorization

By William Hyman – The premise of Artificial Intelligence is that a properly constructed computer program can produce useful conclusions, and make recommendations, when presented with a fact set for a particular case (ie facts pertaining to a particular patient).