Health Innovation

The Great Digital Hope or Just Hype

By Matt Fisher – Healthcare has become the proverbial shiny object to many technology companies, both within and without of Silicon Valley. The technology companies seem to view healthcare as a great, untapped wilderness that is flush with potential profits.

HITECH Retrospective: Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty?

By William Hersh – Last month, the NEJM published a pair of Perspective pieces about the HITECH Act. The first was written by the current and three former Directors of the ONC. The second was written by two other national thought leaders who also have a wealth of implementation experience.

MIPS: The Tale of 90 Days

By Anshu Jindal – Unlike most tales, where you can enjoy any version of your liking, the key facts in this tale have long-term implications for healthcare providers and organizations, both in terms of money and reputation.