Healthcare Revenue Cycle and Finance

Are You Leaving Money on the Table That Your Practice Needs?

By Mordy Pelleg – For clinicians working in the complex American healthcare system, getting paid for every single procedure, service and visit has always been something of a challenge. Yes, fee-for-service medicine created a fairly linear relationship between effort and remuneration, but even in that scenario many hospitals and practices have teetered on the edge of solvency, in part for lack of efficient billing practices.

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Care Coordination Innovation

By John Halamka MD – Would you buy an iPhone if the only apps that ran on it were written by Apple? Maybe, but the functionality would not be very diverse. The same can be said of EHRs. Athena, Cerner, Epic, Meditech, and self developed EHRs such as BIDMC’s webOMR are purpose-built transaction engines for capturing data.

Expanding the Role and Framework of CDI

By Glenn Krauss – Clinical documentation improvement specialists play a vital role in the hospital revenue cycle world. When one refers to “CDI,” what in-arguably comes to mind is clarification of diagnosis, whether it be primary or secondary diagnosis, HACs or present on admission indicators.

Focusing on Primary Care for Better Health

By Andy Slavitt & Patrick Conway – We have historically invested far more in treating sickness than we do in maintaining health. The result of this imbalance is not only poorer health, but more money spent in institutions, hospitals, and nursing homes. The road to a better health care system means correcting this imbalance.

Is there a SNFist Workforce?

By Rod Baird – By now most of the healthcare community is familiar with the term Hospitalist. It was first coined in 1996. The earliest use of the term SNFist seems to be in a 1999 NEJM article. The name refers to a Physician or other Medical Professional who specializes in treating the residents of LTPAC institutions.