Healthcare Revenue Cycle and Finance

Why Apple HealthKit in iOS 10 Makes View/Download/Transmit Real

By John Halamka MD – Meaningful Use Stage 2 has a requirement that I’ve always considered to be the “cart before the horse” – patients must be able to View/Download/Transmit their data. Viewing is great – we’ve done that at BIDMC since 1999 for all patients and all data.

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eCaring: An Essential Tool for Value Based Digital Care Management Part II

A “value-based digital health” reimbursement model as a plausible payment solution for new technology appeared in the 2016 McKinsey Report How Healthcare Systems Can Become Digital-Health Leaders by Gerardo Aue. The concept advocates that since health systems hold the data needed to measure outcomes, why not use this information to measure the outcomes of digital health services?

eCaring:  Bending the Cost Curve with Big Data for Home-Based Patients

By Sarianne Gruber – “There are a lot of tech savvy people making apps for tech-savvy people. It’s a wonderful world that we live in with the ability to do that but we are not going to bend the cost curve in the United States by providing an app for an otherwise healthy forty-year-old person with diabetes or for the sixty-year-old that has a heart condition who is out on the golf course.

The Pain, Confusion, and Costs of Prior Authorization

By Deanne Kasim – With the increase in specialty drugs, innovative diagnostic testing, and precision medicine, it is expected that the use of the Prior Authorization will only increase with health insurance companies. Of course I have heard from many re: the (theoretical) fact that as the use of value-based provider reimbursement matures, there will be less and less need for a PA process.

How Do We Level the HIT Playing Field?

By Roger Davis – “We are deadly serious about interoperability.” – Andy Slavitt, Acting Administrator of the CMS at the J. P. Morgan Healthcare Conference in San Francisco in January 2016. For those of us in the healthcare vendor community, that defining statement sets the tone for the future interaction between organizations.