Healthcare Revenue Cycle and Finance

Hackers on FHIR

By Keith Boone – One recent concern about FHIR that has crossed several different list servers recently is that of making patient health data more readily hackable. In one scenario, the concern goes: If we make patient data more accessible via FHIR, that will also make it more likely to be hacked. Another scenario goes:

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Quarter Million Investment to Coordinate Healthcare for Kids and Families

Great Lakes Health Connect (GLHC) and key partners across the region and state announced that children and families from Flint and Genesee County will benefit from detailed care coordination and enhanced communication capabilities through a major health information technology investment. This initiative is designed to help address and mitigate the longer term health effects and needs that may arise after lead exposure related to the Flint water crisis.

Enabling Nationwide Interoperability

By John Halamka MD & Micky Tripathi – It’s been over 10 years since ONC head David Brailer and HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson published the “The Decade of Health Information Technology”, one of the goals of which was to create a “a new network to link health records nationwide.”

HCCI Releases New Research Assessing National and State Health Policies

The Health Care Cost Institute (HCCI) released a set of six policy briefs assessing the impact of a range of national and state policies on health care costs and utilization. The briefs were developed by independent researchers using HCCI’s repository of commercial claims data for over 50 million insured Americans – one of the largest private health insurance claims databases of its kind.