Healthcare Revenue Cycle and Finance

$1M Initiative to Protect Patients from Life-Threatening Medical Errors

Imagine a scenario in which a patient goes to a doctor’s office or a hospital and is misidentified or matched to the wrong medical record. Imagine a doctor making critical decisions based on someone else’s medical history. Imagine if that patient is a loved one. Unfortunately, this scene plays itself out too often in today’s healthcare environment — potentially as high as 20 percent of the time — largely because there’s no universal way of accurately identifying a patient, regardless of where they seek care.

Q&A: A Beginner’s Guide to FHIR

By George E. Cole, Jr. – Interest in FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) is growing as the standard for exchanging healthcare information takes shape. What is it and what will it mean for healthcare providers? Here are some frequently asked questions and answers.

Telehealth, ePrescribing and EHR Adoption Infographics

Infographics are great way to display statistical data that shows comparisons or charts that come from research and reports. In these infographics see what’s important to physicians when in comes to teleheath, how e-prescribing can reduce errors, fraud and abuse, and see the history of electronic health records and how they may improve your health and health care in the future.