Healthcare Revenue Cycle and Finance

Is Value-Based Reimbursement Mostly Dead or Slightly Alive?

By David Burda – One of my favorite scenes in The Princess Bride is when Miracle Max tells Inigo and Fezzik that Westley is “mostly dead,” which means he’s “slightly alive.” There’s hope for a full recovery. We can say the same thing about value-based reimbursement, if we have as much faith in a few recent VBR status reports as Inigo and Fezzik have in Miracle Max.

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Medicare Punishes 2,499 Hospitals for High Readmissions

By Jordan Rau – The federal government’s effort to penalize hospitals for excessive patient readmissions is ending its first decade with Medicare cutting payments to nearly half the nation’s hospitals. In its 10th annual round of penalties, Medicare is reducing its payments to 2,499 hospitals, or 47% of all facilities.

Changes to CMS Payment Processing in 2021

By Devin Partida – Health care payments have undergone a tumultuous period in the past two years. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, CMS has adjusted multiple policies and implemented several new ones. These changes that seek to improve patient care and accessibility have considerable impacts on health care professionals.