eHealth Exchange to Become Carequality Implementer
The Sequoia Project, a non-profit dedicated to solving health IT interoperability for the public good, announced its intentions to update its corporate structure this summer.
Read MoreThe Sequoia Project, a non-profit dedicated to solving health IT interoperability for the public good, announced its intentions to update its corporate structure this summer.
Read MoreThe latest in telehealth and telemedicine news from Benezon Healthcare Advocacy, Ault International Medical Management, AHIP, Spectrum Health, Doctor on Demand and University of California, Irvine.
This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward.
By Jerry Shultz – To succeed under value-based reimbursement, ACOs and clinically integrated networks must be able to manage population health. One key to effective population health management is a holistic view of patient data.
New CTO Talk episode NOW on demand with host Matt Ferrari. Community Care of North Carolina System & VirtualHealth discuss how CCNC is advancing care coordination through forward thinking partnerships in a case management model for it’s 1.7 million medicaid members.
By Thanh Tran & Donald Voltz MD – Federal healthcare organizations such as CMS have spent billions of dollars over the years trying to bridge the gap between medical data and quality patient care with interoperability requirements and data integration, the mesh used to try and bridge the gap.
This Memorial Day we highlight the NLN Education Summit’s keynote address by the U.S. Deputy Surgeon General, Rear Admiral Sylvia Trent-Adams, PhD, RN, FAAN.
By April Wilson – The CMS announced in November 2017 a new approach to quality measurement in response to continued provider concerns about delivering quality care under the Affordable Care Act’s value-based public approach to patients as consumers of healthcare.
Eric Heflin, CIO/CTO for The Sequoia Project, provided expert testimony at the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics’ Standards Subcommittee CIO Forum and shared the evolution of technical standards utilized by The Sequoia Project and its initiatives.