Strengthening Cybersecurity: Virtual Software for Medical Devices
By Sarianne Gruber – More and more medical devices are becoming smarter, and close to 15% are already smart and are on the network. The…
Read MoreBy Sarianne Gruber – More and more medical devices are becoming smarter, and close to 15% are already smart and are on the network. The…
Read MoreBy Matt Riley – Nearly every American uses cloud services every day, in one way or another. Maybe you use the most common cloud platforms like Facebook and Instagram or a business-productivity application hosted in the cloud at your workplace.
By Belinda Muench – Even with broader insurance coverage for yearly checkups, doctors report it’s still a significant challenge to get busy patients to take the time to come in for this often life-saving preventive service.
GE Healthcare and Jefferson Health have announced an eight-year, shared-risk relationship that will help Jefferson strategically transform healthcare delivery in the Philadelphia region for the benefit of patients and their families.
By Phil Galewitz – The Trump administration said recently that the financial outlook for Medicare’s hospital insurance trust fund improved in the past year due to health costs rising more slowly than expected and predictions that enrollees will use hospital services less often.
By Dr. Pawan Jindal – FHIR (pronounced “fire”) which stands for Fast Health Interoperability Resources, is an interoperability standard for healthcare data developed by HL7. FHIR has gained a lot of momentum in a very short time because it is simple to understand and is based on modern technologies.
AristaMD, innovative provider of the cloud-based Smart Care Platform for primary care physicians and specialists, announced its partnership with Central California Alliance for Health to expand specialty care access through primary care-specialist collaboration via eConsults…
By Sean Westbrook – One of the biggest challenges faced in the medical field today are the rapidly climbing costs. As a result, it’s vital to take opportunities where they’re available to raise efficiency and reduce unnecessary costs.
Want to contribute to future heath IT policies and standards? You may now apply to become a member of the new Health Information Technology Advisory Committee (HITAC).