HealthcareNOW Radio

The Last Mile of Care Delivery

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Louis Mendiola, Director of Provider Partnerships at MedArrive. Louis shares his origin story growing up in rural Nevada in a town called Winnemucca which provided him with great insight into the challenges of delivering local care.

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Life Lessons from the Medical Jungle

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Frank Veith, MD, Surgeon, Professor, and author of “The Medical Jungle” where he lays out the six pillars of his pioneering tenure as a vascular surgeon in some of the most prestigious vascular programs in the country and the groundbreaking—and at times controversial—advancements for which he tirelessly advocates.

You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guests Henry Sachs III, MD, President of Bradley Hospital in Rhode Island, and Ellen Hallsworth, Director of Bradley REACH. They talk more about their treatment philosophy and how Bradley REACH is addressing physician burnout.

Having All Your Health Data in One Place

Now on demand, Health Unabashed episode with guest Ardy Arianpour, CEO & Co-Founder of SEQSTER. The idea of having all your health data in one place isn’t a new one. The decentralization of health data is a major challenge for patients and providers alike.

Integrated Virtual Care

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Lyle Berkowitz, MD, CEO of Keycare, a virtual care platform that connects to the existing infrastructure of health.

Alerting Care Teams Through AI

The Tate Chronicles episode now on demand. Host Jim Tate talks to Julie Skaff, the Chief Operating Officer at, about using artificial intelligence to accelerate care coordination, reducing systemic delays that stand between patients and life-saving treatments.