HealthcareNOW Radio

Patients at the Center of Testing

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Mark Dorner, Co-Founder and CEO PreciseMDx, a company that is rethinking the diagnostic testing journey for patients and working to create the best and most efficient diagnostic service for everyone.

Patients Don’t Care About Digital Transformation

Now on demand, Hello Healthcare episode. Join Chris Hemphill as they guide us through conversations with some of the leaders who see this new focus on digital transformation as a watershed moment for healthcare to keep iterating and see that this change continues far into the future.

Patient Experience is Key

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest David Klein, MD, Chief Executive Officer of MarinHealth. Dr. Klein talks more about the role that independent hospitals play in their communities and why he urges his workers employees to reflect on the lives they touch every day.

Team Is Everything

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest Julien L. Pham, MD, MPH, nephrologist and founder of Third Culture Capital (3CC). On this episode he separates the realities of clinical entrepreneurship from the hype and shares the secrets of a successful venture.