HealthcareNOW Radio

The Re-Appreciation of Science

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Rob Lowe, CEO of WellSpring a company focused on identifying technology and intellectual property and successfully rolling out that technology.

A Voice for Transforming People with Diabetes

Now on demand, Health Unabashed episode with guest Frank Westermann, co-founder and co-CEO of, a StartUp Health portfolio company headquartered in San Diego, CA. is a virtual diabetes clinic that delivers personalized, affordable, and compassionate care directly to consumers.

Rethinking Prior Authorization

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest Alina Czekai, Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Cohere Health. She joins Dr. Nick to discuss, among other things, reducing the burden of documentation requirements on patients and providers.

Friday at Five – Top On Demand Episodes

Our radio station Healthcare Now Radio uses SoundCloud to house our shows’ archives and we’ve been tracking which episodes get the most listens. This week’s Friday at Five lists the episodes played most often on our SoundCloud channel within the last three months.

Cooperative Data Ownership in the Digital Age

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest Hamish MacDonald, CEO and Founder of the Sovereignty Network. They discuss the evolving marketplace of data, privacy concerns, and explain why making patient data available is not just the law but also good business.

Decoding Legalese of Value-Based Contracts

Value-Based Care Insights Podcast with host Daniel J. Marino. In this episode Dan speaks with Hal Katz, an industry leader in health care law, to discuss how providers can successfully navigate value-based contracting with payers in a mutually beneficial way.