HealthcareNOW Radio

Augmenting the Home Care Team

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest David Hunt, Founder & President of the Cosán Group – which is Gaelic for path, a path that David has been on since growing up in the Boston area with a tight knit family.

Breaking the Healthcare Monopoly and Monopsony

New On Demand Healthcare Upside/Down: With guest David Johnson, the author of two critically acclaimed books and the founder and CEO of 4sight Health. He joins Dr. Nick on Healthcare Upside Down to discuss digital exchange platforms, data liquidity, and the healthcare industrial complex.

The Accidental Entrepreneur

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Rachael Grimaldi, MD, Founder and CEO of CardMedic and an Anesthetist working in the NHS who founded the company while stranded out of her home country at the height of the pandemic on maternity leave.

Happy New Year!

Wishing you a safe and happy New Year. Here are a couple of playlists from Healthcare NOW Radio highlight top episode of the year. Thanks for reading and listening in 2021.