HealthcareNOW Radio

The Incremental EMR

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Richard Schreiber, MD, FACP, Associated CMIO at Penn State Health Holy Spirit Medical Center. Dick is a professor in Internal medicine, a career choice made in his 4th year of medical school as he was looking to solve…

Data Flow in Healthcare

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Jay Sultan, Vice President of Strategy, Healthcare, LexisNexis Risk Solutions, who arrived into healthcare as a technologist.

World Sepsis Day 2021

September 13th is World Sepsis Day, an initiative by the Global Sepsis Alliance. Here are some highlights of the events raising sepsis awareness, opportunities for learning and more information about sepsis.

The New Age of Digital Interoperable Faxing

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest John Nebergall, Chief Operating Officer of Consensus Cloud Solutions which we recorded live from HIMSS 21 in Las Vegas. Consensus is a spin off from J2 and eFax and they provide interoperability and streamlined workflows in a simple platform that keeps you connected through each patient’s continuum of care.

User Support for a Pandemic Age

New On Demand Dr. Nick: The Incrementalist: With guest Chris Wickersham, Director, CereCore who provide EHR implementations, IT and application support. In Chris’ case his origin story and underlying personal driver was a woman looking for help to get a hospital bound patient to their son’s wedding before they died.

Drop the Mic at HIMSS21

With the help of some of our radio hosts Dr. Nick, Jim Tate, Justin Barnes, Fred Goldstein and Gregg Masters, we set up a HealthcareNOW Radio studio at HIMSS21 in Las Vegas. Don’t miss all the great guests we talked to.