Health IT Security and Compliance

Potential Changes Ahead

By Art Gross – The Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights has proposed changes to the HIPAA Privacy Rule that could be substantial. The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) proposal stated it was to “remove barriers to, coordinated care and individual engagement” and was issued recently.

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No Business Is Too Small

By Art Gross – While the world might still be in varying states of chaos with regard to a multitude of topics, when it comes to HIPAA fines and enforcement of regulations, things are getting back on track.

Too Many Threats, Too Often

By Matt Fisher – It used to be that almost a day could not go by without the report of a phishing attack. Now seemingly a day cannot go by without a ransomware attack being reported. While phishing may be a route in, it is not the only way to get past an organization’s defenses.

Notification Rule

By Art Gross – A data breach within your business. You think it won’t happen, you hope it doesn’t happen, but what if it does happen? What are your next steps? Like most things in healthcare, timing is essential. You need to think quickly and act swiftly during a time when your head might not be set and sorted to do so.

Wearable Technology

By Art Gross – The saying goes that you’re never fully dressed without a smile, but the reality for many people today is that you’re never fully dressed until you put on your smartwatch. Or your phone in your pocket. Or your health and fitness monitor at the gym.