Health IT Security and Compliance

Access or Privacy: False Juxtaposition

By Matt Fisher – As the healthcare industry awaits a final rule on information blocking and enabling easier access to data by individuals, divisions are becoming more apparent between patients and individuals on the one hand and some portions of the healthcare industry on the other hand.

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Lost Laptop Leads to New Kind of Accident

By Art Gross – In Carroll County, Georgia, there was a vehicle accident of an unusual kind recently. It resulted in the Department of Health & Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights slapping a $65,000 fine on West Georgia Ambulance when they were found to have multiple violations of HIPAA rules.

Today is National Data Privacy Day

Millions of people are unaware of and uninformed about how their personal information is being used, collected or shared in our digital society. Data Privacy Day aims to inspire dialogue and empower individuals and companies to take action.

Refresher on HIPAA Compliance

By Matt Fisher – The start of a new year represents new opportunities to refocus on HIPAA compliance efforts. Ransomware and phishing attacks seem to be drawing the majority of recent headlines, but a couple of human-based incidents have also come out recently.

5 Security Topics to Carry Into 2020

By Noah Dermer – As we enter a new year, many of us set out to make resolutions hoping to spark positive change. Change can be good, but in some cases, it isn’t always needed. When it comes to security and compliance, there are some topics that will stay true no matter what year it is.