Industry Events

HIMSS15 Hashtags to Follow

There is an Official Guide to the Conference’s HIMSS15 hashtags. Hashtags will be the only way to sanely keep up and engage on social media while at HIMSS. Or follow along if you are not going for that matter. Here are some we are going to follow.

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Fun at HIMSS 2015

#HIMSS15 transforming health through the power of information, through innovation, engagement, leadership, connectivity and more. Check out these giveaways and fun by exhibitors this year.

Attending HIMSS 2015 this Year?

HIMSS15 will be in Chicago this year for a week of dynamic education, networking and the latest technology solutions. The theme is transforming health – through the power of information – through innovation, engagement, leadership, connectivity and more. Here are some tips to help you guide your way through a meaningful conference experience.

Keys to Controlling Healthcare Delivery Costs in 2015

By Steve Fanning – Between diminishing reimbursements and the transition to value-based care, healthcare providers face ever-increasing pressure to reduce healthcare delivery costs. In this environment it’s become critical that operations be managed more efficiently in order to protect margins, on top of adhering to their mission of delivering quality care that supports optimal health outcomes.