
Annual Reflections at the End of 2020

By William Hersh MD – Since the inception of this blog in 2009, I have ended each year with a post reflecting back on the year. In the early years, a good deal of the focus of this blog was on the HITECH Act, especially its workforce development provisions.

Sorting out AI, ML, DL, and NLP

This is our ongoing reporting on how AI is being integrated into healthcare technology. We are seeking out the thought leaders and innovations that are moving the needle forward which include Massive Bio, Inc., National Cancer Institute, RSIP Vision, Hummingbird Bioscience, Tempus, VisualDx, Caresyntax, University of Iowa Health Care, Biocogniv, & Bayer.

Happy New Year!

Throughout December we asked our industry experts and thought leaders what they saw in their crystal balls for 2021. And it is day 7 of Kwanzaa, Imani (Faith) a principle that appears most appropriate as we start 2021. Happy New Year!

NursesNOW Roundup December 2020

Looking to keep your finger on the pulse of the nursing industry? Check out this month’s top nursing news stories from around the globe as we close out 2020 The Year of thew Nurse.