
Talent Tuesday: Now Hiring!

Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Pivot Point Consulting. Today’s opportunity is an ERP Lawson Extract Consultant.

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CMS Monday Morning Rounds 3-27-17

CMS is reporting these events and information on payment issues concerning Medicare and Medicaid. News includes updates on Inpatient Skilled Nursing Facility denials and Chronic Care Management Payment correction for RHCs and FQHCs.

Talent Tuesday: Now Hiring!

Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Pivot Point Consulting. Today’s opportunity is an Epic Radiant Analyst.

MGMA Letter on MIPS Eligibility Notifications

MGMA to CMS Letter: Release past due MIPS eligibility notifications. A call for the immediate release of critical 2017 Merit-Based Incentive Payment System (MIPS) eligibility information, including notifications about the low volume threshold exemption.

Talent Tuesday: Now Hiring!

Welcome to Talent Tuesday. Check back each week as we highlight job opportunities and tips from the healthcare IT recruitment specialists at Pivot Point Consulting. Today’s opportunity is an Epic OpTime Analyst.

HIE Rundown 3-10-17

Your personal health information is moving and being viewed to improve the quality of your healthcare and lower the costs. The job will not be complete until all health records are digital and interoperable. Here’s what’s happening to make that reality.