
What Can We Expect in Pharma in 2023?

Drug pricing, CMS getting negotiating power for drug purchasing, vaccines, clinical trials, artificial intelligence, and Pharmacists becoming care givers. These are the highlights of 2022, what do the experts say we will see in 2023? We rounded up some experts and asked them just that.

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ICYMI – 2022 Predictions Roundup

As we like to do every year, we reached out to our experts and thought leaders to see what they believe we will see this year in healthcare and health IT. Here are the posts we published throughout December, in case you missed them. Happy New Year!

2022 Predictions – Final Thoughts

Will we still be discussing the pandemic impact at the end of 2022? Our industry experts and thought leaders have shared their predictions for 2022 with us over the last few weeks. Here are some final thoughts.