
8 Healthcare Trends on the 2021 Horizon

By Maria Perrin – At the close of each year, we take a look back to look forward — reflecting on the events of the past 12 months and anticipating how they might shape the year ahead. Here are key trends we expect to come into play through the new year and beyond, as healthcare undergoes a significant transformation.

Happy New Year!

Throughout December we asked our industry experts and thought leaders what they saw in their crystal balls for 2021. And it is day 7 of Kwanzaa, Imani (Faith) a principle that appears most appropriate as we start 2021. Happy New Year!

Healthcare and Medical Communities in 2021

Our final group of thought leaders bring us insights on 2021 as we will continue to struggle to control and eradicate COVID-19. The continued strain on healthcare communities, medical professionals, healthcare staffing, and resource allocation that the pandemic has brought about may not go away for most of next year.

The Cost and Investment in Healthcare 2021

We continue to reach out to the experts to help us see into the new year. The pandemic’s impact on the financial health of healthcare has to say the least been monumental. What will turn this around in 2021? Technology, investment, consolidations, strategic partnering, and implementing AI say these experts.