Digital Health & Telemedicine

Ten Million Missed Cancer Screenings

By Sarah Larsen – During the first year of the Covid pandemic, patients missed around 10M potentially life-saving cancer screenings. The CDC encourages health care professionals to minimize delays in testing by continuing routine cancer screening, and helping patients safely access screening through interventions such as navigation (both human and digital).

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What is the Digital Front Door?

By Art Gross – The traditional way to see your healthcare practitioner was to call the office, schedule an appointment and when the time came, go to the office for your visit. You’d get there and then open the front door to attend your appointment.

The “Wonder Years” of Healthcare

By Dr. Martin Lustick – In the wake of medical home certification, meaningful use, the Cures Act and the pandemic, it’s clear that virtually all of healthcare is now built on a digital foundation. EHRs are pervasive in the delivery system, and they are increasingly connected to all parts of care delivery.

Opening the Digital Front Door

By Aan Chauhan – Navigating the complexity of healthcare arises from the fact that care is delivered through an ecosystem of actors such as primary care providers, specialists, pharmacists, labs, and insurance providers, all of whom operate independently from one another, creating a web of obstacles to overcome in providing care.

Telemedicine June 2022

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedicine. News from eVisit, Luna, CVS Health, MyTelemedicine, Biofourmis, FAIR Health, Eagle Telemedicine, Included Health, CirrusMD, Bicycle Health, TytoCare, HHS, Boulder Care, Federation of State Medical Boards, Let’s Talk Interactive, Populus Media, Doceree, Livindi and more.