Digital Health & Telemedicine

How to Fix the EHR’s UX Problem

By Baha Zeidan – Numbers don’t lie; according to a recent Mayo Clinic Proceedings article, a cross-sectional survey of nearly 900 US physicians from all specialty disciplines assessed the useability of their EHRs using the System Usability Scale, and the mean SUS score was an appalling 45.9 out of 100.

Telemedicine 2021

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedicine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from GlobalMed, TheraNow, PursueCare, Virta Health, Jvion, Mozzaz, HealthLynked Corp, FCC, Amwell, Let’s Talk Interactive, Pexip, Zyter Inc. and more.

It’s Not for Everyone

By Art Gross – With regard to telehealth statistics, we saw a great rise in the number of participants during the past year with COVID-19. It was a perfect solution for many people, especially if leaving their homes meant putting them in danger due to their high-risk factors linked to the virus.

Telemedicine 2021

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedicine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from HealthPoint Plus, GlobalMed, MDLIVE, Hippo Technologies, AMC Health, FCC, DarioHealth, MediOrbis, Amwell, Reliq Health Technologies, and more.