Digital Health & Telemedicine

Telemedicine 2020

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedcine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from FAIR Health, CallingDr, Hazel Health, MyApps, Progressive Care, Tyoto Care, WELL Health, Greenway Health, Teladoc Health, Rhinogram Telehealth, American Telemedicine Association and more.

Creating a Contactless Care Experience

By Sonia Singh – What if a doctor’s visit could be as seamless and contactless as an Amazon Go experience? Imagine this: before an appointment, the patient completes a pre-visit registration intake form at home from their personal device.

Telemedicine 2020

We are seeking out the latest developments around Telemedcine. How is telemedicine used to benefit patients and care givers? News from Rhinogram Telehealth, Amwell, DrFirst, Kyruus, Lumeon, Reliq Health Technologies, Tridiuum, Safety Net Connect, Carequality, American Telemedicine Association and more.