Digital Health & Telemedicine

Why Apple HealthKit in iOS 10 Makes View/Download/Transmit Real

By John Halamka MD – Meaningful Use Stage 2 has a requirement that I’ve always considered to be the “cart before the horse” – patients must be able to View/Download/Transmit their data. Viewing is great – we’ve done that at BIDMC since 1999 for all patients and all data.

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Next Generation House Call: A Patient’s Perspective on Telehealth

By Sarianne Gruber – Christina Farr had a “Next Generation” house call for the first time. The on-demand doctor’s visit provided her care and resolved the possibility of a trip to the emergency room, and best of all she felt great. Ms.Farr, an award-winning health and technology journalist, happen to have had her encounter just days prior to the d.Health Summit.