CCHIT Announces New Guide Services

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Chicago, IL – CCHIT launched a new service that provides direct counsel to health IT developers on how to best satisfy health IT regulations published by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC). Available now are The Guide  – CCHIT’s online, subscription-based ONC testing and certification preparation service and a menu of six individually tailored programs covering basic orientation, clinical quality measures, interoperability, and preparing for successful testing of all criteria including those for Base or Complete EHRs. All of CCHIT’s Guide Services can be viewed at

“Health IT developers are finding ONC 2014 Edition testing difficult due to a higher criteria bar and the complexity of testing. This has resulted in fewer certified EHRs available to providers for purchase or upgrade. In addition, ONC has released preliminary 2015 Edition criteria with a plan to offer an optional, voluntary certification program in early 2015,” says Alisa Ray, CCHIT executive director. “Now, we can provide a greater level of support and counsel to developers facing these requirements, something we could not undertake as a government authorized certification body,” says Ray. “Exiting the ONC HIT Certification Program in January of this year allowed us to use our qualified staff and technology platforms to develop these new services.”

CCHIT’s team has developed a significant upgrade to its previous online testing preparation program, The Source, that health IT developers relied upon to navigate the ONC 2011 Edition criteria and test methods. A more comprehensive level of support and counsel will include one on one guidance, orientation to testing tools, simulated testing, and a full report on capabilities that developers can take to their selected Accredited Testing Laboratory (ATL). CCHIT will also publish CChitregular commentary on ONC rule changes and testing tool updates.

CCHIT also plans to continue to offer educational programs that include the participation of HIT thought leaders. A report and analysis of its first Summit event, “The Decade of Health IT”, a conversation of four of the five named National Coordinators which took place at the HIMSS14 Annual Conference, is now available as a white paper. Entitled “At the Crossroads: The Second Decade of Government’s Role in Health IT”, the report can be accessed at

In addition, in an upcoming one on one interview, “Navigating ONC HIT Certification – the Health IT Developer’s Perspective”, Cerner Corporation’s John Travis, vice president and Solution Strategist for Regulatory Compliance, and Alisa Ray, CCHIT executive director will talk about the complexities of the 2014 criteria and test methods, and some of the challenges healthcare providers face in implementing these newly certified products. Participants may register for this July 10, 2014, hour long webinar at


CCHIT® is an independent, 501(c)3 nonprofit organization with the public mission of accelerating the adoption of robust, interoperable health information technology. The Commission was first recognized by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as a certification body in 2006, and was later approved by the Office of the National Coordinator (ONC) as an Authorized Certification Body (ACB) in both the ONC 2011 and 2014 Edition programs. In January 2014, CCHIT voluntarily withdrew from that program to offer counsel to both healthcare providers and health IT developers on how to satisfy the requirements for certified health IT. With a more global focus, and in alliance with HIMSS, CCHIT will also develop new programs and policy guidance aimed at achieving interoperability and supporting change in the way providers and patients around the world use IT to positively transform health and healthcare. Learn more about CCHIT and its services at .

“CCHIT®” is a registered trademark of the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology.