Certified Health IT Product List Updated
The ONC released the newest version of the Certified Health IT Product List (CHPL) today. The ONC says it introduces new and improved features to the program that supplies Certification IDs to participants in the CMS EHR Incentive programs. Of the updates there is now a new functionality capable of supporting “Hybirid” Certification.
The ONC describes the “Hybrid” Certification as a means for eligible professionals (EPs) who practice in both ambulatory and inpatient settings using a combination of EHR technology certified separately for each of these settings to generate a CMS EHR Certification ID. This Certification ID is required for attestation proving the participant is using “complete” certified technology. ONC has also published a new entry about “Hybrid” Certification on the Regulations FAQ site.
CHPL release 2.1 also includes navigation and search improvements including:
- Improved return to search functionality
- Improved cart functionality
- Improved product record display
- Improved product record search
The CHPL is maintained by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) and contains EHR products certified under the current Certification program by ONC-Authorized Testing and Certification Body (ONC-ATCB) and reported to the ONC. The comprehensive list includes both Complete EHRs and EHR Modules. Only the product versions that are included on the CHPL are certified for participation and attestation in the CMS EHR Incentive programs.
Using the CHPL site to obtain a CMS EHR Certification ID, follow the steps outlined below:
- Select your practice type by selecting the Ambulatory or Inpatient buttons on the opening screen.
- Search for your EHR Products by browsing all products. You can search by product name, number, vendor, or search by criteria met.
- Select and add the product(s) you use to your cart to determine if your product(s) meet 100% of the required criteria. System will not generate IDs for products that do not meet “Complete” EHR systems.
- Finally, request a CMS EHR Certification ID for CMS registration or attestation from your cart page. Retain this number, you will need it to complete your attestation of the CMS EHR Incentive programs.