Question FAQ #7729: For the Stage 2 meaningful use objective of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs that requires the successful electronic exchange of a summary of care document with either a different EHR technology or the CMS designated test EHR, if multiple EPs are using the same certified EHR technology across several physical locations, can a single test meet the measure?
Updated Answer: The Stage 2 Final Rule (CMS-0044-F) changed the way shared Certified EHR Technologies are handled for the Stage 2 measure option for summary of care records at transitions of care and referrals. Previously, if multiple EPs are using the same certified EHR technology in different physical locations/settings (e.g., different practice locations), there must be a single test performed for each physical location/setting. Read the complete answer here.
Question FAQ #2627: What is the maximum EHR incentive an EP can earn under Medicare?
Updated Answer: EPs who successfully demonstrate meaningful use certified EHR technology as early as 2011 or 2012 may be eligible for up to $43,720 or $43,480, respectively, in Medicare EHR incentive payments spread out over five years. Read the complete answer here.
Question FAQ #7711: Will the CMS conduct audits as part of the Medicare and Medicaid EHR Incentive Programs? Read the answer.
Updated Answer: Any provider attesting to receive an EHR incentive payment for either the Medicare or Medicaid EHR Incentive Program potentially can be subject to an audit. Here’s what you need to know to make sure you’re prepared: Read the complete answer here.
See more CMS Updated FAQs published on next pages.