On Day 5 of our 12 Days of Christmas Posts we turn on and turn to rediscovering radio. This year we have added many ways to tune in and listen so no excuses to miss out! There is a reason why we passed 100,000 listeners in October.
- Live streaming on our station on AirTime – here you can catch the latest programming 24/7, and listen on any device. No app, no fuss. Just click here and you can stream immediately.
- All our shows, once they’ve run their live airing above, are archived as podcasts on our SoundCloud channel. Here you can listen, download and even embed any of the podcasts on a web page. No need to sign up or sign in, though it is handy to do so if you want to follow us and get notified when new podcasts are added. Check out our HealthcareNOW Radio SoundCloud channel here.
- So okay, we get it. iTunes rules the music world but they also offer talk radio in the form of podcasts in their store that you can download to your playlist. And please do us a favor – if you download or listen to one of our podcasts, please give us a review or a few stars. It helps raise our profile in iTunes. Check us out on iTunes here.
- If you’re not familiar with iHeart Radio then let us acquaint you. One of the largest platforms for streaming music, iHeart Radio, like iTunes, has its share of talk radio. You can listen or follow us here.
- Last but certainly not least, is Stitcher. This IOS/Android/Web player works great though you will need to sign up with your Twitter, Facebook or email to listen. That aside, Stitcher is great as an all-purpose, carry on your device radio player. Check us out here.