Upcoming Fall Health IT Conferences
Thinking about taking in a conference before the end of the year? Do you still need some CMEs this year? Check these conferences out, they look like they won’t disappoint.
HealthTech:NextGeneration Conference & Expo 2011
August 12th 2011.
Hilton San Francisco Airport Bayfront Hotel, Burlingame, CA
This day conference will assimilate leaders & professionals in Healthcare & Information Technology under one roof. It will showcase up-and-coming strategies and technologies to tackle today’s healthcare delivery obstacles, shape and advance the healthcare industry forward into tomorrow’s paradigm of patient controlled environments.
Community Health Institute (CHI) & EXPO – Steering the Mission Through the Challenges of Change
August 26-30, 2011
Manchester Hyatt, San Diego, CA
The National Association of Community Health Centers’ (NACHC) Community Health Institute (CHI) & EXPO is the largest and most important annual conference of Community Health Center professionals. NACHC conferences attract the largest gathering of community health center professionals for networking, collaboration, and education purposes within the marketplace.
American Health Information Management Association – AHIMA Convention & Exhibit 2011
October 1-6, 2011
Salt Palace Convention Center, Salt Lake City, UT
The 83rd AHIMA Convention & Exhibit will draw HIM professionals from all areas of health informatics and information management for a week long focus on HIM’s global transformation. This one-stop meeting provides a comprehensive overview of current and emerging HIM issues and challenges. Enjoy an inspirational, natural backdrop in Salt Lake City as you learn how to help implement some of the most important changes in HIM history.
American Academy of Pediatrics
2011 AAP National Conference & Exhibition (NCE)
October 15-18
Boston Convention & Exhibition Center, Boston MA
The President of AAP promises an AAP experieNCE that will energize your CME, lifelong learning, and networking. Conference registrants receive complimentary entrance to the pre-conference course, Pediatrics for the 21st Century, Friday, October 14. In addition to the world renowned speakers, the AAP hosts many complimentary signature events and networking opportunities for conference registrants and their families. The AAP experieNCE offers something for everyone!
HITSE 2011 Conference – Meaningful Use, Staging for Achievement
October 19, 2011
Hilton Dedham Hotel, Dedham, MA 02026
The Healthcare IT Solutions Exchange (HITSE) is an ongoing series of conferences aimed at bringing hospital Information Systems users together to discuss the selection, planning, implementation and support of healthcare IT solutions.
CHIME – College of Healthcare Information Management Executives
October 22-25, 2011
Healthcare CIO Boot Camp
October 25-28, 2011
CHIME11 Fall CIO Forum
San Antonio, Texas
The CHIME Fall CIO Forums combine the best speakers and healthcare IT educators in the nation with unparalleled opportunities for CIOs and healthcare IT executives to network with their peers and collectively share solutions, solve problems and address challenges.
If you are a golfer, don’t miss this year’s annual tournament at the Tournament Players Course (TPC). The two courses are less than 2 years old and designed by Pete Dye and Greg Norman. Will be well worth bringing the clubs.
Medical Group Management Association – MGMA11 Annual Conference
Oct. 23-26, 2011
Las Vegas at the Las Vegas Convention Center
This Annual Conference offers you more than 100 education and networking sessions and access to more than 350 leading industry exhibitors. Gain real-world answers and inspiration for successfully leading your organization in an evolving healthcare marketplace.
American Public Health Association – APHA 139th Annual Meeting
October 29 – November 2
Washington, DC
With the expected 13,000 attendees, this exposition will unite the public health community and afford professionals and practitioners the opportunity to enhance their knowledge and exchange information on best practices, latest research and new trends in public health. With more than 1,000 cutting edge scientific sessions focusing on the latest public health challenges, 700 booths of information and state-of-the-art public health products and services, this is a meeting you can’t afford to miss!
Transcatheter Cardiovascular Therapeutics – TCT 2011
November 7-11, 2011
The Moscone Center, San Francisco, CA
TCT is the world’s largest educational meeting specializing in interventional cardiovascular medicine. For more than 20 years, TCT has been the center of new cutting-edge educational content. TCT, the world’s largest educational meeting specializing in interventional vascular medicine, is now partnered with the American College of Cardiology (ACC). TCT together with the ACC will offer invaluable opportunities for the medical community to discover the latest advances in the field, share clinical experiences, and exchange new ideas and information with colleagues from around the world.