Is five a magic number that people will click on to find out what’s on the list? Is it just the right number you think you have the time to read? I don’t know but there are lots of lists out there with 5 things you should know. These got me to click through and I think they were worth sharing.
5-Step Action Plan to Reduce Racial Health Disparities in COVID-19
Dr. Rhonda Medows, President, Population Health, Providence St. Joseph Health
Dr. Rhonda Medows is President, Population Health at Providence St. Joseph Health, the nation’s third-largest nonprofit health system. Dr. Medows is also a United States of Care (@USofCare) Board Member and CEO of Ayin Health Solutions, a population health management company launched by Providence. Dr. Medows’ offers her 5-step plan to address racial disparities in COVID-19.
Five Tips for the Future Leaders of Health Care (Advice from a Real Doctor and Fake Lawyer)
Rahul Rajkumar, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer, Blue Cross NC
We know that our interactions with the health care system have far-reaching impacts on our overall health and quality of life. And because the U.S. spends nearly 18% of its GDP on health care, the system affects many aspects of our daily lives, such as our ability to educate our children, create critical infrastructure and fund essential services. That is why it is important to equip emerging health leaders—those individuals that will shape the future of health care—with the tools they need to succeed.
5 Steps to Successful Job Search During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Stacey Hawley, Compensation Consultant, Career Coach & Author
Twitter: @staceycredo
The impact of the coronavirus (also known as COVID-19) pandemic has been astonishing — not the best of times and definitely not the worst (although it feels that way). Hundreds of thousands of employees have been furloughed or laid off as all non-essential businesses shut down and most businesses just slow down. Unemployment claims have skyrocketed. With the nationwide rate many times higher than a “normal” 4%, it seems like everyone is scrambling to find a job. Securing a new job during a global pandemic feels like the proverbial searching for a needle in a haystack. During “normal” times, many people dread the job search process.
In EHR Age, 5 Proven Tips to Enhance Patient-Physician Connection
Sara Berg, Senior News Writer, American Medical Association
Twitter: @AmerMedicalAssn
Time constraints, technology and administrative demands often impede on the human connection that is central to clinical care. This can contribute to physician burnout and patient dissatisfaction. To provide quality care and reduce burnout, it is important to address patient-physician communication. A JAMA study offers five ways to enhance physician presence and create a meaningful connection with patients.
A Self-Sufficient Staff: 5 Tips For Recruiting Work-At-Home Employees
Marco Colaiacovo, Contact Centre Professional, HGS
Twitter: @teamhgs
The COVID-19 pandemic has sent thousands of employees home this year, and while many are eager to return to their actual workplaces, others are fully embracing the remote job lifestyle. To ensure success, companies must hire the right applicants—those who understand the work-at-home culture and what it takes to operate outside of the office.
Five Ways Patients are in the Driver’s Seat When it Comes to Healthcare
By Matt Dickson, Vice President of Product, Strategy and General Manager, Stericycle Communication Solutions
Twitter: @StericycleComms
Even during an unprecedented healthcare crisis, it is imperative that people continue to take care of themselves, both physically and mentally. But due to concerns about exposure to coronavirus, people are not venturing en masse to emergency rooms or hospitals, a trend we experienced during the SARS epidemic, and routine care with physicians is slipping. A recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study revealed an estimated 41% of U.S. adults had delayed or avoided medical care, including urgent or emergency care (12%) and routine care (32%) due to coronavirus-related concerns. In order to keep our society healthy, the healthcare industry should support patients being in the driver’s seat when it comes to accessing medical treatment. There are a number of ways to empower patients to take control of their healthcare journey including self-triage, online scheduling, a virtual waiting room, and telehealth.