Over at GovHealthIT Mary Mosquera interviewed Steven Waldren, director of AAFP’s center for health IT, who says “doctors are more confident about meaningful use.” In answering one of her questions on what Stage 2 meaningful use requirements physician groups were pleased to see Waldren listed three including interoperability: “First, the consolidation of measures, the notion of not having to report separately on updated problem, medication and allergy lists because those are required for a summary of care exchange. We like that administrative simplification. Second, the focus on interoperability and exchange we think is important. As we talk with our members, the two things they struggle with the technology is interoperability and being able to do population management. Third, we liked the quality measure harmonization between meaningful use and the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) and other federal quality reporting programs.” Read the full interview here.
Don Fluckinger of SearchHealthIT Tech Target writes “For people trying to get all these disparate information systems talking with each other, it’s far easier to discuss interoperability principles than to make it happen. However, health care providers’ need for interoperability extends much further than meaningful use compliance in order to earn money through the EHR Incentive Programs. The data needed for state and federal quality programs and accountable care organization (ACO) reporting may also be marooned in proprietary data silos on the network.” Read his full post here.
Finally, if you are around today at 1 pm Eastern NeHC will welcome a number of HIT thought leaders, including ONC’s Claudia Williams, to take this discussion from Google + to the NeHC University stage and give stakeholders an inside look at the potential benefits, and consequences, of the current HIE evolution.You can register here.