One of the ways that HITECH Answers is different from other media sites is the sense of community. The thought leaders in our community are good about sharing their thoughts on the issues of today. We publish at least eight guest posts a week now, on our three sites. In case you missed some, here are the top ten read and shared guest posts in the month of September. You can also read previous month’s Top Ten Lists. Thank you for contributing and reading.
Most Played Radio Episode in September
On CTO Talk, technology expert Matt Ferrari discusses the issues, challenges, and opportunities transforming healthcare technology today, all from the CTO point of view. Tune in because when CTOs talk, health IT listens. On this episode host Matt’s guest is Dave MacCutcheon the COO of InfoBionic about patient engagement and transformation in the age of AI.
Most Read Thought Leader Posts in September
Time to Improve Awareness
By Matt Fisher, Attorney and chair of the Health Law Group at Mirick, O’Connell, DeMallie & Lougee, LLP.
Twitter: @matt_r_fisher
Doing the right thing or merely demonstrating compliance with requirements is hard to do when knowledge of expected or necessary requirements is missing or not sufficient. In such a situation, it becomes harder to fault individuals for the resulting missteps or violations. Unfortunately, lack of awareness is a primary issue plaguing security efforts in healthcare. Continue reading on…
Repeat Offender
By Art Gross, President and CEO, HIPAA Secure Now!
Twitter: @HIPAASecureNow
When you search for cyberattacks by vertical, always in the top categories is healthcare. It can be filtered from there by the size of the business, whether it is enterprise or small to medium-sized establishments, but the information targeted is patient data. Why? Because who knows more personal information about you than your doctor? Continue reading on…
Five Things You Need to Know from MESC2019
By Sarah Miller, VP of State Government & HIE Account Management, Audacious Inquiry
Twitter: @A_INQ
The 2019 Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC) ended Thursday, August 22, 2019. The MESC conference is an annual meeting for State, Federal, and private sector individuals to exchange ideas related to systems and health policy affected by those systems. I left there with my mind stimulated by a bunch of new ideas, my heart full from seeing so many friends and colleagues from across the country, and my feet tired and achy…Continue reading on…
Communication Can Make or Break Your Practice
By Alex Tate, Health IT Consultant, CureMD
Twitter: @CureMD
Twitter: @alextate07
Communication has always been pivotal to the success of any business, any project and any pursuit. The effectiveness of communication within a team can alone decide the fate of the entire activity. Managers from every industry have always credited clear and coherent communication as one of the primary reasons for their excellent performance. Continue reading on…
Transforming the Payer Space: CTO Talk with Lee Green at BCBS Massachusetts
By Matt Ferrari, Chief Technology Officer, ClearDATA
Twitter: @cleardatacloud
Sometimes when I’m hosting my podcast series CTO Talk on HealthcareNOW Radio, I end up with a guest where I really regret that these episodes are only 30 minutes long. This was one of those times as Lee Green, chief architect at Blue Cross Blue Shield Massachusetts joined me for a lively and informative conversation around cloud transformation in the payer space. Continue reading on…
Facilitating Transformational Change in Primary Care
By Bob McNellis, M.P.H., P.A., AHRQ‘s Senior Advisor for Primary Care
Twitter: @AHRQNews
I was recently recalling a trip to a national conference in Boston where I crossed paths with a fellow physician assistant who was working in a primary care practice. “Becoming a medical home was the hardest thing we ever did,” she said. “Everyone hated it, and we would never do it again.” Her assessment surprised me because I knew that, over time, her practice had become a top performer in her State. I wanted to understand: How did the practice solve its problems? Continue reading on…
SDoH and Care Organizations: Finding Lost Connections Between the Two
By Abhinav Shashank, Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, Innovaccer
Twitter: @abhinavshashank
Twitter: @innovaccer
What is that one factor that separates one patient from another? Can one identify why two patients with the same illness but from different regions respond differently to a particular treatment? Do we need to cater to the needs of patients even after they leave the clinic? These questions have always intrigued not only the physicians, but every member who is involved in the care journey— care teams, communities, social workers, even patients themselves. Continue reading on…
Innovations to Foster Evidence-based Care in Learning Health Systems
By Stephanie Chang, MD, MPH, Director of AHRQ‘s Evidence-Based Practice Center Program and
Amanda Borsky, Dr. PH, MPP, Dissemination and Implementation Advisor for the EPC Program
Twitter: @AHRQNews
This is a time of rapid change for health systems. New technologies, infrastructure, incentives and understanding increase the ways that health systems can improve patient care by tracking and using their own internal data. While using internal data is one part of being a learning health system, it misses the potential knowledge that comes from the wealth of published research from other health systems that could further improve patient care. Continue reading on…
The 3rd Annual ONC Interoperability Forum
By Keith Boone, Healthcare Standards
Twitter: @motorcycle_guy
A dozen years ago, there were 200 people deeply involved in Interoperability programs in the US. I recently attended the third annual Interoperability Forum hosted by ONC, and I can safely say that there are at least 1000 people deeply involved in Interoperability programs. It was hard enough then to keep track of it all back then, and I can honestly say that I don’t envy Steve Posnack his new role (nor his past one), as well served as we are in this country by having him in it. Continue reading on…
5 Reasons the Challenges of Health Care IoT Are Worth It
By Kayla Matthews, HealthIT writer and technology enthusiast, Tech Blog
Twitter: @ProductiBytes
A lot of problems tend to arise when we start messing around with medical records. Many of these problems have to do with technological transitions and getting used to a better way of doing things. In this case, by incorporating the IoT (or Internet of Things) with health care, one of the biggest problems becomes security. Continue reading on…
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