Health Catalyst is hosting the summit on September 8-10 in Salt Lake City, UT at The Grand America Hotel.
New this year, the Analytics Walkabout – Tuesday, September 8, from 5:30 – 8:30 PM MST. This is new to HAS15 this year. This experience will consist of 25 or more concurrent project sessions where attendees will be able to talk to front-line leaders across an array of projects. These are intended to be 10-minute sessions where you can quickly assess the success of smaller projects across a wide variety of clinical, financial, technical and leadership topics.
Why Attend?
The stakes have never been higher for healthcare. Costs are on the Rise. Legislation is creating uncertainty. Payment models are changing. How can healthcare address these challenges? The answers are in your data!
Using data analytics to empower clinical teams to improve outcomes is the next wave in healthcare transformation. However, confusion abounds and few forums exist where healthcare professionals can get unbiased, practical, and educational advice that has proven to really work in healthcare.
The Healthcare Analytics Summit 2015 will deliver answers. You will hear from the best thinkers from across the industry and experience analytics-rich breakout sessions. This year, the focus will be using analytics to improve outcomes, so we have significantly increased the number of case study session where you can learn and ask questions from others. Unlike other conferences, this experience will be driven by data using live session polling, real-time analytics, and advanced event applications at your fingertips so you can touch and breathe analytics. Attending HAS ’15 will accelerate your application of analytics best practices in your current role and avoid the time-consuming and costly pitfalls of others who learned by trial and error.
Who Should Attend?
The summit will be optimized for many types of organizations, roles, and situations based on much feedback. However there may be some for whom this summit is not the best fit. Here are the challenges that will be addressed at the summit:
- You have a confusing array of data sources and analytics tools and need a more comprehensive analytics strategy.
- You experience difficulty pulling together executive or department level reports that show a single version of the truth or that satisfy your clinical, operational, financial, or administrative requests.
- You have an integrated data and analytics infrastructure but face resistance from different groups who reject using a centralized approach. You are looking for ways to accelerate analytics adoption throughout the organization.
- You have financial pressures to reduce costs, but don’t have a systematic way of identifying, measuring, prioritizing and tackling your healthcare waste opportunities.
- You have a well-established data and analytics system, but feel you are reaching a limit to what you are able to do.
- Past acquisition or mergers have caused integrated reporting challenges across organization silos.
- You have clinician enthusiasm for using analytics, but they are frustrated by the difficulty or inability to get data, reports, or analytics in a timely or accurate fashion.
- You have pockets of teams making great progress in data-driven care improvement, but other teams are not able to get support or replicate their success.
- You have researchers looking to conduct research and track results, but are not able to get the data and reports they need.
- You are a Health Catalyst client and are looking for ways to accelerate your progress by bringing a broader team together for more intensive in-person training.
Organizations and roles usually face these struggles:
- C-level executives, physician leaders, nurse leaders, patient safety and quality leaders, IT leaders, analytics leaders, and front-line cross functional teams.
- These problems can occur in physician groups, single or multi-hospital systems, large hospitals, integrated delivery networks, academic medical centers, small community hospitals, payer networks, ACOs or other types of accountable care or population health initiatives with health organizations.
If you see yourself in any of these roles, organizations, or situations, then you must attend this summit. In particular, if you belong to a cross functional team (IT, clinical, analytics, financial, operations) tasked with addressing one or more of these issues, this summit has been designed to provide key principles that help teams work together.
Early Bird Registration
Save up to $400. Prices Start at $295. Lock in the best pricing before May 31